
Improve your customer service efficiency today!

Dont let customer service become an obstacle to the development of your company. With S10Plus, you will experience an evolution in the interaction with your customers. Get a Smart Chatbot that drives operational efficiency, improves customer service, and optimizes your processes.

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Your Ally in the
Digital Transformation

At S10Plus, we are proud to offer technology solutions that fit the specific needs of our clients. Our Chatbot is a dynamic, adaptable and easily integrated tool that provides a superior user experience and significantly improves business operations.


Improved Customer

Our Chatbot provides fast and accurate responses 24/7, improving the customer experience and reducing wait times. This results in greater customer satisfaction and improved retention.


Increase efficiency by automating repetitive tasks and complex processes, allowing your team to focus on higher value-added activities. From managing simple queries to completing complex transactions, our Chatbot is versatile and effective.

Increase in
Customer Retention

Chatbots personalized and contextual interaction strengthens customer loyalty by providing tailored solutions and relevant recommendations. This is achieved by analyzing customer data to tailor responses and deliver more satisfying experiences.

Analysis and
Continuous Improvement

Gain valuable insights from collected data to optimize Chatbot performance and adapt to changing market needs. The data collected helps to better understand customer preferences and needs, allowing for constant evolution of the Chatbot.

Product features


We deliver a personalized conversational experience by analyzing customer data and adapting responses based on context, delivering more meaningful and relevant interactions. This includes the ability to understand conversation history to deliver consistent solutions.

Generative Artificial

The S10Plus Generative Artificial Intelligence solution allows you to generate responses automatically, making Chatbot training efficient and improving the experience of end users by having a more natural interaction.


The S10Plus Chatbot integrates seamlessly into multiple communication channels, including websites, mobile apps, messaging platforms and social networks, ensuring a consistent and broad presence. This allows for a unified experience for users, regardless of the channel used.


The S10Plus Chatbot solution allows, for each customer message, the Bot to offer the agent response suggestions to send with just one click, helping the agent to provide prompt and effective service. Use different communication mechanisms, such as chat, calls and video calls, to offer a better customer service experience.

Reports and

The Chatbot solution has detailed reports on the operation of the service and BI dashboards in which the main indicators of the service are displayed.

Ease of

Thanks to our flexible architecture, the Chatbot is easily deployed in both conversational and transactional scenarios, adapting to existing systems without significant interruptions to their operations. We offer custom implementation options to ensure smooth integration and fast start-up.

Scalability and

Our Chatbot solution is designed to grow with your organization, delivering reliable performance and seamless scalability as your needs evolve. This includes the ability to handle spikes in demand and adapt to increasing volumes of interactions.

Security and

We implement rigorous security protocols to protect your clients data, ensuring confidentiality and regulatory compliance. This includes measures such as end-to-end encryption and access management.

Ongoing Technical

Our highly trained technical support team is available to provide personalized assistance and resolve any technical issues quickly and efficiently. We offer levels of support that fit the specific needs of your organization.

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